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31 October 2024
Back to the future: main financial services themes for European Commissioner designate Maria Luís Albuquerque
The European Commission should prioritise capital markets supervisory integration and banking-union completion
Policy brief
30 October 2024
What can central banks do to take the Paris Agreement seriously?
Central banks should take a macro approach to managing system-wide risks stemming from the climate transition
28 October 2024
Transatlantic Clean Investment Monitor: a solar PV snapshot
This analysis compares the state of play in solar capacity in both the US and Europe
23 October 2024
Should the European Union’s fiscal rules bend to accommodate the defence transition?
EU debt rules should not be changed to exempt increased defence spending, but some flexibility could be considered
Policy brief
21 October 2024
Catch-up with the US or prosper below the tech frontier? An EU artificial intelligence strategy
This Policy Brief explores why EU AI investment has fallen behind the US and the types of market failure that may have led to that situation
17 October 2024
The end of Russian gas transit via Ukraine and options for the EU
The EU should seek a common position on the upcoming end to the contract governing Russian gas transit through Ukraine
Policy brief
14 October 2024
An uphill struggle: a long-term perspective on the European public goods debate
This paper analyses what arguments European policymakers have used in discussions about centralising public expenditures at EU level
Working paper
09 October 2024
The tension between exploding AI investment costs and slow productivity growth
This working paper explores the tension between rapidly increasing artificial intelligence investment costs and the slower pace of productivity growth
Policy brief
03 October 2024
Europe’s 2040 climate target: four critical risks and how to manage them
In this paper we set out four risks that could derail progress towards the 2040 climate target and make recommendations to address each one
26 September 2024
Identifying areas for EU-UK energy and climate cooperation
Energy and climate cooperation has mutual benefits for the UK and EU, the obstacles are political
23 September 2024
Simplifying EU law: a cumbersome task with mixed results
The volume and complexity of EU laws continue to increase despite measures taken in previous mandates to make existing legislation less burdensome
Policy brief
18 September 2024
How demographic change will hit debt sustainability in European Union countries
The European Union faces a dramatic demographic problem in the decades ahead
18 September 2024
Draghi’s message: sharing economic sovereignty is hard but possible
European public goods should be the linchpin of a new political and institutional contract
Policy brief
17 September 2024
Financing European air defence through European Union debt
In this paper, we propose the creation of an EU funding mechanism to internalise the positive externalities provided by national air-defence systems
16 September 2024
Fit for war in decades: sluggish German rearmament versus surging Russian defence production
It will take Germany, and Europe more generally, decades to match current Russian volumes of weapons production
Policy brief
12 September 2024
A European circular single market for economic security and competitiveness
This Policy Brief gives an overview of the environmental and economic cases for Europe to improve resource efficiency