Marco Buti
Marco Buti, holds the Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in economic and monetary integration at the European University Institute. Former Chief of Staff of the Commissioner for the economy, Paolo Gentiloni, and until 2019, Director-General for Economic and Financial Affairs at the European Commission (DG ECFIN).
Disclosure of interests
Featured work

The case for a European Defence Compact
The EU needs a European Defence Compact uniting a coalition of likeminded countries to swiftly deliver and finance joint defence capabilities

European public goods: the time for action is now
New priorities, including defence and energy security, justify a European public goods approach – for which spare financial capacity can be used

Joint defence as a European public good

Designing conditionality in the supply of European public goods
This paper studies the consequences of placing conditions on access to sources of central financing

Why do EU Countries Resist Sharing Sovereignty?

Draghi’s message: sharing economic sovereignty is hard but possible
European public goods should be the linchpin of a new political and institutional contract

Memo to the commissioner responsible for the European Union budget

Divergent economic dynamics grind down the Franco-German EU axis
France must face up finally to its fiscal failings – and can no longer rely on German indulgence

Tough trade-offs: the big strategic issues for the next EU term
Three overarching economic policy trade-offs will set the context for the new Commission from the beginning of its mandate

When will the European Union finally get the budget it needs?
The EU budget needs radical reform, but certain conditions must be in place for it to succeed.

Taking stock: 25 years of EMU
Closed-door conference jointly organized with De Nederlandsche Bank

Europe’s strategic challenge
The EU should pursue ‘gradual and pragmatic federalism,’ underpinned by essential governance reform.

The European Union at the time of the New Cold War: A Manifesto

The State of the European Union speech must address the return of economic policy trade-offs
The European Commission president should set out the need for a new EU business model founded on the supply of genuine European public goods.

Shaping the future of the European Union: a discussion on public goods
Should the EU play a greater role as a provider of public goods?

Inside the European crises: a conversation with Marco Buti
At this event Marco Buti discusses his new book, in which he gives an insiders look at European policy making.

Bruegel Annual Meetings 2020 - Day 2
Second day of Bruegel Annual Meetings.

Bruegel Annual Meetings 1-3 September, 2020
Bruegel's flagship event transformed into a virtual conference for pandemic times
Tackling Europe’s non-performing loans crisis: restructuring debt, reviving growth
How can we connect the different initiatives for NPL resolution and identify an agenda that is shared between EU, national authorities and the private
Trends of the 21st century global economy and implications for Europe
Does the EU have all the necessary tools to deal with the trends of 21st century in global economy?
The Euro and the battle of ideas
Why is the Euro in trouble? Are philosophical differences between the founding countries to blame and can those differences be reconciled?