
What is the role of electricity policy in the EU's quest for economic competitiveness?

Publishing date
15 January 2024
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newsletter 110124

The role of national governments in setting final electricity prices is becoming a key aspect of industrial policy. The allocation of taxes and tariffs creates a huge discrepancy between the prices paid by different consumers in the same market. As Europe’s energy transition depends on the increasing electrification of the economy, the importance of this issue will keep arising.

The energy crisis highlighted this subsidy issue when governments allocated billions of euros in subsidies to reduce electricity bills. While the acute phase of the energy crisis has passed, growing concerns of industrial competitiveness create political pressures for governments to continue with such subsidies or tax exemptions. Debates in Germany over a preferential electricity tariff for industries and concerns in France over future nuclear power prices have illustrated those political pressures.

It is positive news that both countries have so far resisted the temptation to generously subsidise energy intensive industries, as this would have had consequences for the integrity of the European Union’s single market and non-energy intensive domestic consumers.

However, the debates on economic competitiveness highlight the need for a serious reflection on the future of industrial electricity policy in Europe. In particular, the various distributional questions that would arise by lowering industrial electricity tariffs (eg for households versus companies; energy-intensive versus non-energy intensive companies; various cross-border effects; and trade-offs in attracting new clean technology manufacturing factories) need to be made central to the current debate around industrial policy. This will also be key to preserve the integrity of the EU single market and foster the EU’s economic competitiveness moving forward.

Read the Policy brief by Ben McWilliams, Giovanni Sgaravatti, Simone Tagliapietra and Georg Zachmann, Europe’s under-the-radar industrial policy: intervention in electricity pricing.

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About the authors

  • Simone Tagliapietra

    Simone Tagliapietra is a Senior fellow at Bruegel. He is also a Professor of EU Energy and Climate Policy at The Johns Hopkins University - School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Europe.

    His research focuses on the EU climate and energy policy and on the political economy of global decarbonisation. With a record of numerous policy and scientific publications, also in leading journals such as Nature and Science, he is the author of Global Energy Fundamentals (Cambridge University Press, 2020) and co-author of The Macroeconomics of Decarbonisation (Cambridge University Press, 2024).

    His columns and policy work are widely published and cited in leading international media such as the BBC, CNN, Financial Times, The New York Times, The Economist, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Corriere della Sera, Le Monde, El Pais, and several others.

    Simone also is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Clean Air Task Force (CATF). He holds a PhD in Institutions and Policies from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Born in the Dolomites in 1988, he speaks Italian, English and French.

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