Labour market outlook dashboard
This dashboard offers a comprehensive overview of the evolution of key labour market outcomes across EU member states, from 2006 onwards

First published: 14 March 2024
Latest update: 7 February 2025
This dashboard displays key labour market indicators gathered from Eurostat’s annual Labour Force Surveys (EU-LFS). It was updated in February 2025 to include data from 2023.
The labour market outlook dashboard offers a comprehensive overview of the evolution of key labour market outcomes across EU member states from 2006 onwards.
Drawn from harmonised EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) data, the dashboard provides valuable insights into the trends and shifts in essential labour market indicators. It shows several traditional labour market metrics, such as employment and unemployment rates, prevalence of long-term unemployment, alongside contemporary metrics such as the rates of individuals working from home or the exposure to generative AI.
Moreover, the dashboard goes beyond aggregate-level information, offering insights into disparities between genders and across educational attainment levels.
This dashboard is part of the Future of Work and Inclusive Growth in Europe project at Bruegel, which aims to develop multiple dashboards on labour market topics. It has been produced with the financial support of the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth.