How to say goodbye?
Dear readers,
This is the last edition of the Why Axis which you will see with my name attached to it, as I will be leaving Bruegel after almost 10 years in the organisation. I will join the European External Action Service as of 1 December. It has been a very long and interesting journey and I would like to thank all my colleagues with whom I have worked over the years.
There are several projects I have worked on that I wish highlight, such as The Sound of Economics podcast, which began in 2016 as well as research I completed about how the ‘Internet of Things’ will impact policy making. This piece of writing posed questions which are still relevant today considering the current debate on artificial intelligence. Another stream of work I am proud of is a series of analyses on European narratives and why they matter for the future of Europe. This work inspired my out-of-the-box contribution to the nascent genre of academic science fiction, challenging international relations theory. I hope this contribution has prompted people to reflect on how thinking about the future has become an increasingly radical, but equally necessary task.
And if you are more curious to hear about my experience over the past ten years at Bruegel and learn more about think tank dynamics you can listen to this episode of the EU Bubble Insider podcast.
As Douglas Adams said, “So long, and thanks for all the fish”.
The Why Axis is a weekly newsletter distributed by Bruegel, bringing you the latest research on European economic policy.