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Showing 65-80 of 225 results

26 January 2021

Platform mergers and antitrust

This paper sets out a framework for addressing competition concerns arising from acquisitions in big platform ecosystems.

07 October 2020

Eastern Germany’s New Growth Engine

Eastern Germany has suffered from three decades of deindustrialization since the collapse of communism, largely because of poor policy decisions. But

11 February 2020

The dynamics of data accumulation

The bigger you are, the more data you can harvest. But does data accumulation necessarily breed monopolies in AI and related machine learning markets?

29 January 2020

The science of Brexit

On Saturday morning, the United Kingdom will wake up outside the European Union. After 37 years of collaboration, how will Brexit affect research and

07 October 2019

The Case for Intelligent Industrial Policy

Although national industrial policies have a bad reputation, there is a strong case for government support to sectors that will increasingly rely on a