07 December 2023
When will the European Union finally get the budget it needs?
The EU budget needs radical reform, but certain conditions must be in place for it to succeed.
07 December 2023
The EU budget needs radical reform, but certain conditions must be in place for it to succeed.
08 June 2023
As interest costs rise, the EU should review how they are accounted for in its budget and financial framework.
Policy brief
31 May 2023
Interest rates on the EU debt have risen substantially since 2022: what are the main drivers and implications and what to do about it?
29 May 2023
Opinion piece
09 May 2023
20 February 2023
External publication
24 December 2022
In 2023 we might see positive economic surprises in Europe: better-than-expected growth and lower-than-expected inflation.
External publication
13 December 2022
Presented as a new departure in EU policy-making, the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is now in its second year of implementation.
Blog post
30 November 2022
The European Commission’s proposal for reforming the EU fiscal rules is far-reaching, but its shortcomings need to be addressed.
Blog post
17 May 2022
The European Union should take significant economic measures in response to the war in Ukraine, but a new Next Generation EU is not needed yet.
Blog post
08 February 2022
Identical European Commission assessments that EU countries’ recovery plan cost justifications are ‘medium-quality’ undermine trust in the assessments
External publication
09 December 2021
Financing post-pandemic recovery via EU borrowing has proved remarkably straightforward. So why keep it temporary?
Policy brief
10 November 2021
What is new about NGEU is not just the increase in the EU’s borrowing power, but also the nature of the expenditure.
External publication
02 November 2021
Testimony before the European Parliament’s Committee for Budgetary Control (CONT) on the topic "Capacity for proper expenditure controls of the increa
01 September 2021
Bruegel Annual Meetings, Day 1- In The Sound of Economics Live session we will discuss the EU recovery fund, its state of play and outlook.