07 July 2020
An EU budget for Europe's future with Johannes Hahn
How do we make the EU fit for future?
07 July 2020
How do we make the EU fit for future?
Blog post
06 July 2020
In its proposed Recovery Fund, the European Commission uses allocation criteria mainly linked to infection rates and past economic performance. To fos
Blog post
17 June 2020
Poorer European Union countries and those hardest hit economically by the COVID-19 crisis could obtain up to 15% of their GNI in grants and guarantees
Blog post
11 June 2020
The European Parliament and the Council still have an opportunity to improve the Just Transition Fund by refocusing it on social support and basing fu
Blog post
10 June 2020
Because of hurdles in designing, approving and implementing European Union programmes, less than a quarter of the €438 billion in grants planned under
Blog post
29 May 2020
Apart from decisive European Central Bank measures, the EU-wide response to the COVID crisis had been rather weak until the Commission put on the tabl
29 May 2020
Can we rescue the economy after COVID-19 and reach the environmental goals?
External publication
26 May 2020
On 14 January 2020, the European Commission published its proposal for a Just Transition Mechanism, intended to provide support to territories facing
15 May 2020
Mapping out the post COVID-19 recovery.
Blog post
22 April 2020
European Union debt can provide comprehensive insurance against the COVID-19 pandemic and can enable a macroeconomic response, even though EU debt is
21 April 2020
How can cohesion funds help the National, regional and local communities that are on the frontline in countering the coronavirus and the resulting eco
Policy brief
26 February 2020
On 14 January 2020, the European Commission published its proposal for a Just Transition Mechanism, intended to provide support to territories facing
Opinion piece
26 February 2020
It can be tempting to treat European budgetary discussions as a fairly inconsequential distributional game. But with the EU's role increasingly focuse
25 February 2020
The European Green Deal is one of the landmarks of Ursula von der Leyen's Commission. But, without an ambitious investment behind it, what could be it
Blog post
23 January 2020
The gap between payments into the EU budget and EU spending in a particular country has importance when EU spending does not constitute European publi
Blog post
22 January 2020
DSA applies to crisis countries only, but an early warning system identifying vulnerabilities is relevant for all countries. A more general, less stri