The state of health in the EU and the digitalisation of health promotion
The panellists at this event reviewed the general state of health as well as the digitalisation in the industry.
Caroline Costongs
Director, EuroHealthNet,
Martin Seychell
Deputy Director-General, European Commission, DG SANTE,
Guillaume Dedet
Policy Analyst / Health Economist, OECD,
Josep Figueras
Director, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies,
Stefania Boccia
Full Professor Hygiene Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart,
Katarzyna Czabanowska
Associate professor at the International Health Department, Maastricht University,
Joanna Kokot
Auditor, European Court of Auditors,
Michael Strübin
Director of Digital Health at MedTech Europe,
Martin Dorazil
Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission, DG SANTE,
At this event the state of health in the EU and the digitalisation of it was discussed. The first session consisted of an overview of the general state of health in the EU.
In the second session the speakers considered the digital transformation in the industry, as part of a broader, comprehensive health promotion and disease prevention strategy. In this context, panellists discussed how policymakers can exploit the potential of digital tools to effectively support health promotion activities, as well as related risks and limitations.
Information about the current state of health can be found here.
video and audio recordings
Event Materials
Presentation by Stefania Boccia (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart)
Presentation by Guillaume Dedet (OECD) and Josep Figueras (WHO Observatory)
Presentation by Michael Strübin (Medtech Europe)
Presentation by Martin Dorazil (European Commission)
Presentation by Martin Seychell (European Commission)