Public debt

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Showing 65-80 of 109 results

28 September 2017

A European perspective on overindebtedness

The sequence of crisis and policy responses after mid-2007 was a gradual recognition of the unsustainability of the euro-area policy framework. The ba

12 April 2017

Global outlook and policy priorities

At this event the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, will speak about the global outlook and policy priorities,

21 October 2016

Breaking the vicious circle

Nicolas Véron argues that EU banking union can only be complete if the vast amounts of domestic sovereign debt held by many banks are reduced

07 May 2016

Is Greek public debt unsustainable?

Greek public debt does not look sustainable if the country has to return to market borrowing at the end of the third bail-out programme, but could be

18 February 2016

Which fiscal union for the euro area?

At the current level of political and societal integration, a large federal budget is unrealistic in the euro area. The authors make three recommenda

26 October 2015

The global debt overhang

What’s at stake: Seven years after the financial crisis, recovery is still weak in most parts of the global economy. The general debt overhang across