Blog post
27 May 2015
Corruptionomics in Italy
Tackling corruption is not only a matter of fairness, but it is also crucial to boost Italy’s potential output after three years of recession and almo
Blog post
27 May 2015
Tackling corruption is not only a matter of fairness, but it is also crucial to boost Italy’s potential output after three years of recession and almo
Opinion piece
05 May 2015
Bruegel scholar Nicolas Véron argues in this thought-provoking essay that banking union ultimately enabled the European Central Bank’s announcement th
Policy brief
23 April 2015
This Policy Contribution presents facts about EU capital markets, issues that should be taken into account in the development of CMU policy, correspon
Blog post
31 March 2015
After over 7 years of crisis, everybody – ranging from politicians to policy-makers, including the press – seems to know that structural reforms
Policy brief
26 March 2015
This Policy Contribution was prepared for the European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. It draws lessons for the euro-area based
Blog post
19 February 2015
Two interesting institutional documents were released over the past 10 days: the Going for Growth 2015 of the OECD and the Winter Economic Forecast of
Blog post
19 December 2014
At a famous summit in June 2012, the European leaders announced that they intend to “break the vicious circle” between banks and sovereigns. This deci
Policy brief
13 November 2014
The new European Commission has signalled that it will work to create a ‘capital markets union’. This is understood as an agenda to expand the non-ban
Opinion piece
29 October 2014
The rising financing gap for SMEs as well as high growth firms is a serious concern for Europe battered by financial fragility. These firms, particula
Blog post
27 October 2014
Sunday, October 26 was D-Day for Europe’s banks: at noon in Frankfurt, the European Central Bank (ECB) announced the results of its “compreh
06 October 2014
Hearing at the Budget Committee.
Blog post
03 October 2014
To enable Mr Hill’s overworked staff to enjoy a rare sunny weekend in Brussels, ready-made answers to next week's remedial hearing are suggested
30 September 2014
Prepared for the Interparliamentary conference organized by the Italian Presidency of the European Council in Rome.
Opinion piece
19 September 2014
Even with all the risks in mind, we are convinced that in terms of financial stability and beyond, the half a banking union that has been undertaken w
Policy brief
23 July 2014
Direct European Central Bank intervention in the market for asset-backed securities (ABS) has the potential to become, under certain conditions, a mec
Blog post
14 July 2014
As shares were suspended in Portugal's third largest bank, Banco Espírito Santo last week, sovereign spreads in the euro area increased and bank stock