Micro- and macro-based methods in assessing the impact of investment
This workshop will discuss methods for accurately evaluating the performance of public and private investment initiatives.
Natacha Valla
Dean of the School of Management and Innovation, Sciences Po,
Marcin Wolski
Economist, European Investment Bank,
Áron Gereben
Senior Economist, European Investment Bank,
John K. Swales
Emeritus Professor, University of Strathclyde,
Amine Ouazad
Associate Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau,
Simon Mizrahi
Director, Quality Assurance and Results Department, African Development Bank,
Debora Revoltella
Director, Economics Department, European Investment Bank
Helmut Kraemer-Eis
Head of Research & Market Analysis, European Investment Fund,
Simone Signore
Research Officer, European Investment Fund,
Francesco Di Comite
Political Administrator, Council of the EU,
Robert P. Lieli
Associate Professor, Central European University, Budapest,
On 5 April 2017 Bruegel and the European Investment Bank organised a workshop to discuss impact assessment of investment.
Impact assessment have gained a lot of attention in the recent years, following the need to accurately evaluate the performance of public and private investment initiatives. The European Investment Bank has worked on developing and critically re-evaluating these methods and reflected on the best practices which policy makers and practitioners should take into account when designing and implementing micro- and macro-based impact assessment frameworks.