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Europe and the huddled Masses
- Publishing date
- 08 July 2008
- Authors
- Jakob von Weizsäcker
Jakob on Weizsäcker writes that it is positive that the European Union is getting more serious about a common immigration policy, but that the immigration pact, set to be adopted in October, is not going far enough.
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This comment was also published by the Wall Street Journal.
About the authors
Jakob von Weizsäcker
Jakob von Weizsäcker heads the department for economic policy and tourism at the Thuringian Economics Ministry in Erfurt and is a non-resident fellow at Bruegel where he was resident fellow form 2005 to 2010.
He previously worked at the World Bank in Washington (2002-2005) where he was country economist for Tajikistan and the Federal Economics Ministry in Berlin (2001-2002) where he headed the office of a junior minister. Before that, he worked for Vesta, a venture capital firm, and held research positions at the Center for Economic Studies in Munich and CIRED in Paris.
- Language
- English
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