External publication

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Showing 257-272 of 327 results

14 September 2014

Austerity and Poverty in the European Union

This study provides to the Committee for Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament with an analysis of the speed and composition o

16 July 2014

Tax harmonization in Europe: Moving forward

The debate on tax competition opposes those who praise its positive effect on government efficiency, and those who accuse it of distorting public choi

18 June 2014

No Industry, no Future?

Can there be a future without industry? Answering this question is not considered as obvious in this Note. Reflection appears to be essential with reg

14 February 2014

Pour une Communauté politique de l'euro

Nous voulons susciter une prise de conscience en France mais aussi lancer un appel qui aille bien au-‐delà. Convaincus que Français et Allemands conse

04 February 2014

Policies for seed and early stage finance

This paper highlights the findings from a research project to investigate the role of public support to promote seed and early stage financing, includ