Roel Beetsma
MN Professor of Pension Economics, University of Amsterdam,
Board Member, European Fiscal Board
Roel Beetsma is Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Amsterdam and Professor of Macroeconomics. He is also Visiting Professor at Copenhagen Business School and Research Fellow of the CEPR and CESifo. He was a Member of the European Fiscal Board, the Supervisory Board of ASR Vermogensbeheer and the Supervisory Board of the pension fund for the Dutch retail sector. He has held visiting positions at DELTA (Paris), the University of British Columbia (Vancouver), the University of California in Berkeley and the EUI Florence. He has been a consultant for the ECB, the European Commission and the IMF. He was the Chair of a Dutch government commission on the European economy and Member of a Dutch government commission on second-pillar pensions. His research has been widely published in such journals as the American Economic Review, the Journal of Economic Literature and the Economic Journal.
Featured work

The case for a European Defence Compact
The EU needs a European Defence Compact uniting a coalition of likeminded countries to swiftly deliver and finance joint defence capabilities

European public goods: the time for action is now
New priorities, including defence and energy security, justify a European public goods approach – for which spare financial capacity can be used

Joint defence as a European public good

Designing conditionality in the supply of European public goods
This paper studies the consequences of placing conditions on access to sources of central financing