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Rationale and limitations of SURE

This event will discuss SURE, a new European Union instrument for temporary ‘Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency'


Elena Carletti

Chair of the Scientific Council

Professor of Finance, Bocconi University

Roel Beetsma

MN Professor of Pension Economics, University of Amsterdam,

Board Member, European Fiscal Board

Gilles Mourre

Head of Unit - Fiscal Policy and Surveillance, European Commission, DG ECFIN,

This online debate, organised jointly by Bruegel and the Florence School of Banking & Finance will discuss the rationale and potential limitations of SURE, a new European Union instrument for temporary ‘Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency’, recently proposed by the Commission.

SURE is expected to provide temporary support of up to 100 billion euros in loans to Member States requesting financial assistance. The objective of the instrument is to ensure that Member States can easily and cheaply finance their partial unemployment/short-term work schemes that have been heavily used during the lockdowns.

Under which conditions will Member States have access to the instrument and which types of partial unemployment measures will be eligible under SURE? How will SURE loans be evaluated ex ante and ex post? Is the instrument effective in its design and sufficient in its reach? Lastly, SURE has been portrayed as an expression of EU solidarity, yet how generous is SURE in reality?

Speakers of this online debate will engage with those questions in turn. The debate will end with a questions and answers session with participants.