Blog post
03 December 2018
Green central banking
A few weeks ago, Silvia Merler discussed the rise of “ethical investing”. A related question emerging from the discussion is whether central banks sho
Blog post
03 December 2018
A few weeks ago, Silvia Merler discussed the rise of “ethical investing”. A related question emerging from the discussion is whether central banks sho
Opinion piece
30 November 2018
Simone Tagliapietra and Georg Zachmann write on the climate governance lesson European governments should learn from the "gilets jaunes" experience.
30 November 2018
In this episode of the Backstage series, Bruegel's Non-Resident Fellow Dirk Schoenmaker welcomes Molly Scott Cato, a Green party MEP for South West En
28 November 2018
Which steps are needed to really change current practices and speed up sustainable finance?
Policy brief
28 November 2018
Sustainable investment is gaining momentum in Europe, but its current proposed taxonomy might hinder innovation in the field. In this Policy Contribut
Blog post
29 October 2018
We are used to think about the value of investment as measured by financial return. But investing with an eye to environmental or social issues and, m
Blog post
19 February 2018
Poland’s issue of a green bond earlier this month was the country’s second financing of this type, and the first ever repeat issue by a sovereign. It
Blog post
16 January 2018
Climate change is a relevant risk factor for the banking sector, but the European Commission's plan to lower capital requirements for greener investme
25 September 2017
What is the role of sustainable finance in reaching the Paris Climate goals? What are the specific proposals towards this goal and which are the chall
Blog post
18 July 2017
We need to move towards more sustainable, long-term thinking in the corporate and financial worlds. Coalitions of willing actors could play a role in
Blog post
12 July 2017
Traditional finance focuses on financial return, considering the financial sector separate from both society and the environment. In contrast, sustain
Opinion piece
11 July 2017
Traditional finance focuses solely on financial return and risk. By contrast, sustainable finance considers financial, social and environmental return