Policy brief
03 May 2021
Accounting for climate policies in Europe’s sovereign debt market
Sovereign debt will be vital in stimulating sustainable investment, but information is lacking on how green public spending actually is.
Policy brief
03 May 2021
Sovereign debt will be vital in stimulating sustainable investment, but information is lacking on how green public spending actually is.
20 April 2021
This closed-door event discussed standards for the measurement and disclosure of climate-related exposures.
15 March 2021
In this workshop, invited guests will discuss priorities and proposals for the Italian G20 Presidency for a green local infrastructure agenda.
Blog post
24 February 2021
The European Central Bank portfolio is skewed towards the brown economy, reflecting a bias in the market.
24 February 2021
“We are not going to lead our society to a low-carbon economy by continuing to finance the status quo. “
Blog post
18 February 2021
Different EU and US supervisory approaches to climate risk may hamper efforts to work together and risk fragmenting global markets.
11 February 2021
How could additional regulation incentivise investment while upholding the integrity of sustainable finance?
26 January 2021
Invitation-only event to discuss innovations in green finance and sovereign and EU issuance of green bonds.
Policy brief
26 November 2020
"The current design of green bonds means they aren't fulfilling their potential. We propose an alternative: issuance of regular bonds with attached gr
Blog post
28 September 2020
The plan to fund the European Union’s recovery programme via debt issuance has raised hopes of a new type of euro-denominated safe asset.
Blog post
21 September 2020
European Union green bonds, as promised by European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, might be better linked to the bloc's achievement of its
Blog post
15 January 2020
If EU banks are to mobilise a greater share of loans for sustainable projects they will need a reliable policy framework, clear internal performance t
Blog post
22 July 2019
China has clearly signalled to Europe that it does not shy away from involvement in Africa, historically Europe’s area of influence
30 April 2019
How can finance help save the planet?
Working paper
19 February 2019
The author proposes a tilting approach to steer the allocation of the Eurosystem’s assets and collateral towards low-carbon sectors, which would reduc
Blog post
03 December 2018
A few weeks ago, Silvia Merler discussed the rise of “ethical investing”. A related question emerging from the discussion is whether central banks sho