Blog post
21 October 2015
Renzi's risky budget strategy
Last week the Renzi government approved the 2016 budget law proposal. Although the detailed text is not available yet, the broad picture is clear.
Blog post
21 October 2015
Last week the Renzi government approved the 2016 budget law proposal. Although the detailed text is not available yet, the broad picture is clear.
05 October 2015
This is the 3rd conference in a series of events jointly organised by Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University and Bruegel
Blog post
31 August 2015
Sitting on a pile of debt, China’s only way out is to deleverage: more pain now for sustainable growth later.
Blog post
17 August 2015
The Greek finance ministry published last week the latest budget execution bulletin. The state budget primary balance increased significantly during J
Opinion piece
13 August 2015
It was inevitable that Greece would have to make cuts. Yet, if it is ever to pay back its debts, what the country needs most of all is a growth strate
Blog post
22 May 2015
On the 30th of April, the Italian Constitutional Court issued a decision on the pension reform introduced by the Monti government in 2011. The decisio
Blog post
18 May 2015
What’s at stake: The question of whether capitalist economies are self-correcting and will eventually revert to mean growth has received renewed inter
Opinion piece
07 May 2015
The ECB has lowered its official interest rate several times in the last years and the rate is now at zero. In March of this year, it has in addition
Blog post
07 April 2015
What’s at stake: Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve and new blogger Ben Bernanke has generated many discussions this week by challenging the secul
12 January 2015
European Macroeconomics and Governance
12 December 2014
European Macroeconomics and Governance
Blog post
05 December 2014
Spain and the United Kingdom are going through a deleveraging process, with their private debt-to-GDP ratios dropping by around 18% in the United Kin
Blog post
03 December 2014
In his press conference on November 6th, ECB President Mario Draghi pledged monetary stimulus, although only “if needed.” These words have won Mr
Blog post
25 November 2014
Larry Summers crystallized an important question in a recent speech: Has the world economy entered a period of “secular stagnation”? The slow rec
Blog post
24 October 2014
Larry Summers crystallized an important development and question in a recent speech given at the IMF research conference: has the world economy entere
Blog post
25 August 2014
What’s at stake: On November 16, the Harvard economist and former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers gave a provocative talk at an International