Opinion piece
17 January 2023
Opinion piece
17 January 2023
External publication
13 December 2022
Presented as a new departure in EU policy-making, the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is now in its second year of implementation.
Opinion piece
15 November 2022
The RRF has great potential to become an instrument for ‘insuring’ EU countries against common shocks.
Blog post
10 November 2022
Digital Markets Act enforcement will be much more effective if EU member national authorities are involved
06 October 2022
Testimony on the EU Chips Act and the prospects for EU-US cooperation on semiconductors
Blog post
17 February 2022
Adjustments to growth forecasts mean some countries will get 10% more than expected and others 20% less in grants from the EU Recovery and Resilience
Blog post
14 July 2021
With Fit for 55, Europe is the global first mover in turning a long-term net-zero goal into real-world policies,
marking the entry of climate policy
29 June 2021
The EU will become into a major issuer of safe assets in the coming years. How will this interact with the debt issuance of European sovereign debts?
Policy brief
07 June 2021
The European Union’s capital markets remain very underdeveloped compared to the United States.
25 May 2021
EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit joins Bruegel for a conversation around the future of work.
Blog post
29 April 2021
Plans for spending European Union recovery funds submitted by the four largest EU countries reflect rather different priorities. So far, only Italy is
Opinion piece
21 April 2021
What makes one vision more desirable than another is not its neutrality, but whether it can better serve one’s goals in the context of where those goa
Opinion piece
14 April 2021
Europe is often a ship with multiple captains. The boat moves forward in calm seas, but when the slightest wind puts it off course, it is not easy to
Blog post
06 January 2021
The European Union’s purchases of frontrunner coronavirus vaccines are insufficient for the population’s near-term needs. The shortfall could have hea
Blog post
05 January 2021
The 2020 pandemic economic shock has led to reassessment of fiscal policy measures in 2018 and earlier, because of faulty measurement of unobserved ou
Blog post
28 September 2020
The plan to fund the European Union’s recovery programme via debt issuance has raised hopes of a new type of euro-denominated safe asset.