16 September 2020
The State of the Union going forward
In the first Sound of Economics Live episode after summer we look at the State of the Union address delivered by Ursula von der Leyen.
16 September 2020
In the first Sound of Economics Live episode after summer we look at the State of the Union address delivered by Ursula von der Leyen.
Opinion piece
23 June 2020
The two narratives briefly examined here cast light on different aspects of the EU in the times of Covid-19. Euroskeptic nationalists typically propag
External publication
26 May 2020
On 14 January 2020, the European Commission published its proposal for a Just Transition Mechanism, intended to provide support to territories facing
Policy brief
05 March 2020
The European Commission should not make the implementation of a carbon border adjustment mechanism into a must-have element of its climate policy. The
14 February 2020
While the US and China have been setting the pace when it comes to Artificial Intelligence, the European Union seems to be lagging behind. What are th
Opinion piece
23 January 2020
While the euro is now a leading global currency and the European Central Bank has become a comprehensive banking supervisor, Europe’s markets have bee
Blog post
15 January 2020
If EU banks are to mobilise a greater share of loans for sustainable projects they will need a reliable policy framework, clear internal performance t
Policy brief
09 January 2020
This Policy Contribution tests the hypothesis that an imbalance has grown in Europe over the last few decades because markets have integrated to a gre
11 December 2019
President Ursula Von der Leyen has presented her European Green Deal before the European Parliament. How will it work? What are its implications? And
Blog post
10 December 2019
The European Green Deal should include a sustainable investment strategy that will help citizens change behaviour and companies switch technologies. B
07 November 2019
The European Green Deal will be a defining feature of Ursula Von der Leyen's incoming Commission. But will carbon border taxes and single carbon price
Policy brief
05 November 2019
Ursula von der Leyen has proposed a European Green Deal that would make Europe climate neutral by 2050. With this Policy Contribution, the authors pro
Opinion piece
08 October 2019
Projetée dans un monde de rapport de force dont les principaux protagonistes ne séparent pas géopolitique et économie, l’UE va devoir conduire un chan
Opinion piece
01 October 2019
Green New Deals’ are not going to turn countries into ‘hermit nations’,but they are not going to turn countries into economic paradises either. They s
Blog post
30 September 2019
Josep Borrell, the incoming High Representative and Vice-President-designate must explain how von der Leyen’s ‘geopolitical Commission’ intends to ada
Blog post
30 September 2019
Historically, the EU enlargement process played a powerful role in encouraging the EU candidates and potential candidates to conduct fundamental polit