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Showing 353-368 of 387 results

05 January 2015

A European gas market for everyone

The European energy landscape has changed markedly in 2014. Now the EU must rethink its relationship over gas with Russia and Ukraine.

17 December 2014

„Der Gasstreit geht weiter“

Interview mit Bruegel-Forscher Georg Zachmann über den Gaskonflikt zwischen der EU, Russland und der Ukraine

01 December 2014

The new oil price war

What’s at stake: Opec’s decision to leave its output ceiling of 30m barrels a day unchanged on Thursday has sent crude prices into a tailspin. Un

09 September 2014

Elements of Europe's energy union

To meet the EU's objectives for emissions, electricity supply and gas security of supply, well-designed European markets could provide better results

27 March 2014

Can Europe survive without Russian gas?

Replacing 130 bcm of natural gas imports from Russia within a year would be a significant challenge, but, as our rough estimates show, not impossible.

13 February 2014

Does Europe need a renewables target?

The discussion on whether the EU needs a new renewables target beyond 2020 is gaining traction. The proponents argue that a target for 2030 would give