Mitsutsune Yamaguchi
Special Advisor, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth,
Career History
2012-:Special Advisor, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)
2013-:2015 Visiting professor, Komaba Organization for Educational Excellence (KOMEX), The University of Tokyo
2006-2013: Visiting professor, later Project Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo
2002-2010: Visiting professor, The Open University in Japan (Education through TV)
1996-2005: Professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University
1962-1999: Tokio Marine and Fire Insurance Company, Limited
He is a lead author of Third, Fourth and Fifth Assessment Report of Intergovernmental
Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). He used to be a member of various committees of the Government on climate change policy makings.
He has written many books and articles including Climate Change Mitigation, A Balanced Approach to Climate Change, Springer, London (2012) (Editor & Co-author), Co-author of e-book Towards a Workable and Effective Climate Regime to be published by Ferdi and CEPR prior to COP-21, Paris (2015). He also frequently writes articles to leading Japanese newspapers on climate change.
Featured work
12th Asia Europe Economic Forum (AEEF)
This year's conference is entitled "Global Governance of Public Goods: Asian and European Perspectives".