Magnus Normark
Senior analyst, FOI - CBRN Defence and security,
Magnus Normark is a senior analyst at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI). His areas of work includes CBRN-terrorism threat assessment, intelligence studies and counter proliferation. From 2018 Normark supports the European COE for countering hybrid threats in Helsinki on challenges related to non-state actors. Normark has been a national delegate in international regimes and mechanisms such as Australia Group, Proliferation Security Initiative, Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and has working experience from international UN missions. He has published several studies on terrorism modus operandi, countering financing of terrorism, arms control and international counter-proliferation challenges. Normark is the co-editor of “Understanding Terrorism Innovation and Learning; Al-Qaeda and beyond” published by Routledge in 2015 and co-author of “Between Salafism and Salafi-Jihadism; Influence and Challenges for Swedish Society”, published by the Swedish Defence University in 2019.
Featured work

Biological threats and EU preparedness: How can we make the system more resilient?
Can the EU handle biological threats?