Magdalena Góra
Associate Professor, Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University,
Magdalena Góra, Ph.D., earned her degree in Political Science from Jagiellonian University (MA 2000). Her PhD (2007) was on the relations between Poland and Israel after the Second World War. From 2007 onwards she has been researcher at the Institute of European Studies of the Jagiellonian University, primarily concentrating her work on the external relations of the European Union, EU actorness in international relations especially in EU’s close neighbourhood, the changes in foreign policy and international relations in Central and Eastern Europe as well as on collective identification changes in the European Union after enlargement.
Magdalena has worked and taught in a number of academic institutions worldwide. She led and participated in several research projects funded by Polish National Science Center, COST programme, Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism and currently she is a co-leader of Work Package on Future of Europe Debate within Horizon 2020 funded project EU3D. EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy. She participates at the Jean Monnet Network ‘The European Union at the Crossroads of Global Order’ (EUCROSS) (2017-2020) and Jean Monnet Network: REACTIK - cReative Economy And Culture inTernatIonal link. She works also within the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network: ‘Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe: Responding to the Rise of Illiberalism/Populism’ (FATIGUE) (2018-2021). She published several journal articles and book chapters and also co-edited volumes. She was recently awarded Fulbright Senior Award for pursuing her research at New York University in 2020.
Featured work
Democratic Resilience in light of the 2024 EU elections
EU3D Final Policy Dialogue
What's the story? Narratives of EU reforms in parliaments and the media
This event was organised in the frame of the EU3D project and featured two sessions analysing discourse about the EU.
Conference on the Future of Europe: Vehicle for reform versus forum for reflection?
At this policy dialogue panellists discussed different options and what they may entail while revisiting the debates on the future of Europe so far.
The Conference on the Future of Europe: vehicle for reform versus forum for reflection?
The approach of the European Union’s institutions to the Conference on the Future of Europe is muddled, with risks for the outcome.