Detlef Nolte
Professor, GIGA Institute of Latin American,
Doctor (political science; University of Mannheim); professor of Political Science University of Hamburg; associated researcher GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies; director GIGA Institute of Latin America Studies (ILAS) (2006- May 2018); acting president GIGA (2011-2014); member of the scientific advisory board of GRIDALE (Grupo de reflexión sobre integración y desarrollo en América Latina y Europa); president of the German Latin American Studies Association (ADLAF) (2010 – 2016); vice-president Consejo Europeo de investigaciones Sociales de América Latina (CEISAL) (2010-2016); member of the International Programme Board del Latin America Programme, Research Council of Norway (2008-2018). Member of the academic advisory boards of Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional; Rising Powers Quarterly; Revista de Ciencia Política; América Latina Hoy.
Recent Publications: Nolte, Detlef and Brigitte Weiffen (2018 forthcoming). Competing Claims for Security Governance in South America, in: Stephen Aris, Aglaya Snetkov, Andreas Wenger (eds.) Inter-organisational Relations in International Security: Cooperation and Competition, London u. New York: Routledge; Sandra Destradi, Detlef Nolte and Miriam Prys-Hansen, 2018. Regional Powers Still Matter!; GIGA Focus Global, 02/2018; Nolte, Detlef, 2018. Costs and Benefits of Overlapping Regional Organizations in Latin America: The Case of OAS and UNASUR, in: Latin American Politics and Society, 60, 1, 128-153, Nolte, Detlef, 2018. China Is Challenging but (Still) Not Displacing Europe in Latin America, GIGA Focus Latin America, 01/2018; Garzón, Jorge and Detlef Nolte, 2018. The new minilateralism in regional economic governance: Crossregionalism and the Pacific Alliance, in: Pia Riggirozzi / Christopher Wylde (eds.), Handbook of South American Governance, London / New York: Routledge, 173-189; Nolte, Detlef, 2017. Reformas constitucionales en América Latina 1978-2015: Frecuencia, requisitos y patrones de cambio en perspectiva comparativa, in: Catherine Andrews (ed.), Un siglo de constitucionalismo en América Latina (1917 -2017), Ciudad de México: CIDE, 647-698; Wehner, Leslie and Detlef Nolte, 2017. Role Theory and Geopolitical Thinking in South America, in: Marcial A. G. Suarez / Rafael Duarte Villa / Brigitte Weiffen (eds.), Power Dynamics and Regional Security in Latin America, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 101-120; Nolte, Detlef, 2017, Trade: The Undervalued Driver of Regional Integration in Latin America, GIGA Focus Latin America, 05/2017, Hamburg: GIGA; Kurtenbach, Sabine and Detlef Nolte, 2017, Latin America’s Fight against Corruption: The End of Impunity, GIGA Focus Latin America, 03/2017, Hamburg: GIGA
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EU-LAC Economic Forum 2018
The second edition of the EU-LAC Economic Forum, a high level gathering for in-depth research-based exchanges on economic issues between European, Lat