Banking union

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Showing 209-224 of 264 results

05 May 2015

Europe’s radical banking union

Bruegel scholar Nicolas Véron argues in this thought-provoking essay that banking union ultimately enabled the European Central Bank’s announcement th

17 April 2015

Will Greece run out of cash?

For many weeks now it has been regularly reported that Greece will run out of money if an agreement is not reached with the official lenders in the ne

19 February 2015

Limits to the Greek bank run

An important question has emerged this week as regards the role of the ECB as a lender of last resort to banks in Greece. The press has widely reporte

30 September 2014

Banking union in nine questions

Prepared for the Interparliamentary conference organized by the Italian Presidency of the European Council in Rome.

19 September 2014

Europe's half a banking union

Even with all the risks in mind, we are convinced that in terms of financial stability and beyond, the half a banking union that has been undertaken w