a man in glasses and suit with dark-red tie

Gunnar Beck

Vice President of the I.D. Group, Deputy Head of the AfD Delegation, European Parliament

Gunnar Beck MEP is the deputy leader of the AfD at the European Parliament, and vice-president of the Identity and Democracy Group. He is a barrister at law at the bar in London at Temple Court.

He is a reader in EU law and Legal Theory at SOAS, University of London. He was a legal adviser to the UK parliamentary delegates at the Convention on the Future of Europe (2002-04), and continued to serve as part-time deputy legal adviser to the European Scrutiny Committee of the House of Commons until 2010.

His book Fichte and Kant on freedom, rights and law offers a new interpretation of the relationship between Kant's and Fichte's theories of freedom and their doctrines of rights, law and the state. His 2013 monograph The Legal Reasoning of the Court of Justice of the EU has been published by Richard Hart, Oxford.  In this comprehensive study of the presuppositions of legal reasoning and of the Court of Justice’s case law he develops a heuristic model of judicial reasoning and argues that the Court of Justice’s legal reasoning has a clear communautaire tendency, although it also displays features which are common to the decision-making in other higher courts. In addition, Gunnar Beck has published numerous academic articles on a wide range of topics in EU law, legal and political philosophy.