Francesca Rosso headshot

Francesca Rosso

Human Capital Development Expert - Coordinator for Skills Demand Analysis, European Training Foundation

Francesca Rosso joined the European Training Foundation (ETF) in Torino in March 2012 as labour market expert. In her work at the ETF, Ms. Rosso currently coordinates the activities of the ETF Skills Demand Analysis and focuses on themes such as skills for the future and labour market reforms and employment policies in EU neighbouring countries, in close cooperation with the European Commission and with the Delegations of the European Union. Before joining the ETF, Ms. Rosso spent several years managing programmes on employment and job creation for different international bodies, including the United Nations in Serbia, the Italian Cooperation in Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro and the Secretariat of the EU Council at the United Nations in New York. Ms Rosso also worked for a few years at the European Commission in Brussels, Directorate General for Enlargement, dealing with the coordination of EU financial assistance to the Western Balkans and Turkey.