Alessandro Rebucci
Associate Professor of Finance, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, CEPR and NBER,
Alessandro Rebucci is an Associate Professor of Finance at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, holding a joint appointment with the Economics Department of the Johns Hopkins Krieger School of Art and Science. Prof. Rebucci is a CEPR Research Fellow (IMF Programme) and a NBER Faculty Research Fellow (IFM Program). Prof. Rebucci is also Associate Editor of the Journal of International Money and Finance and Economia (the journal of the Latin American Economic Association). Previously he held research and policy positions at the Inter-American Development Bank (2008-2013) and the International Monetary Fund (1998-2008).
Featured work
Credible emerging market central banks could embrace quantitative easing to fight COVID-19
Emerging economies are fighting COVID-19 and the economic sudden stop imposed by the containment and lockdown policies, in the same way as advanced ec