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Elections 2024

Bruegel has been following economic developments resulting from this year's elections within the EU and further afield

In the year of elections, Bruegel partnered with Euranet to create a series of videos on key challenges facing the EU over the next five years, giving an overview of the issues at hand and how they can be tackled.


Bruegel Senior fellow Zsolt Darvas discusses how the accession of Ukraine and the Western Balkans to the European Union could have many benefits. 

Climate and the environment

Bruegel Senior fellow Heather Grabbe gives an overview of the pressing challenges facing the climate and environment over the next five years.


Bruegel Senior fellow Maria Demertzis recaps the pandemic's inflationary effects and asks if those effects are really over?


The Single Market

What are the benefits of deepening the single market? What is involved in created a Capital Markets Union? How can Europe protect its competitiveness in the global economy?