Policy brief


Publishing date
09 December 2014

Disclaimer: This is a Chinese translation produced by the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences based on the paper "Foreign takeovers need clarity from Europe".

外资并购往往引起政府的疑虑。这些疑虑可能是出于国防安全的战略考虑,也可能出于经济考虑。外国投资方在地理上心理上都远离东道国,因此在一般公众的心目中他们在并购活动中比较容易作出损害东道国经济的决定,比如弱化被收购公司的品牌形象、削减工作岗位、降低研究支出。 不过,对欧盟境内跨国并购事务负有监管责任的欧盟委员会(European Commission)来说,评估这类企业并购案的唯一标准就是消费者利益,欧盟成员国只有在极个别的情况下才可以进行干预。


本期《政策简报》提出外资并购中的两个问题:(1)外国投资者在收购了一家公司后,东道国的国内福利是否会遭受更大的损失?(2)在欧盟委员会针对跨国并购的现行做法下,经济上的忧虑是否应当成为欧盟成员国进行干预的合法理由? 在深入分析有关文献后,我们感到对这两个问题的答案都是否定的。 如果给予成员国回旋余地就会让并购的结果变得不确定,因此这种回旋余地是不必要的甚至可能是有害的。 为了增加透明度、促进欧洲的外来投资,欧盟委应当确立成员国在什么情况下才能进行干预的规则。

About the authors

  • Mario Mariniello


    Mario Mariniello was Senior Fellow at Bruegel. He led Bruegel’s Future of Work and Inclusive Growth project, which closely analyses the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the nature, quantity and quality of work, welfare systems and inclusive growth at large. In particular, the role of technology in reshaping society when subject to extreme stress (i.e. during a pandemic).

    Before joining Bruegel, Mario was Digital Adviser at the European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC), a European Commission in-house think-tank that operated under the authority of President Jean-Claude Juncker. The EPSC provided the President and the College of Commissioners with strategic, evidence-based analysis and forward-looking policy advice. In his capacity of Digital Adviser, Mario led the EPSC’s work on Digital Single Market issues.

    Mario has also previously been a Bruegel Fellow focusing on “Competition Policy and Regulation”. From 2007 to 2012, Mario was a member of the Chief Economist Team at DG-Competition, European Commission. During that time, he developed the economic analysis of a number of topical antitrust and merger cases in the technological and transport sectors.

    Mario holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Organization from the European University Institute of Fiesole (Florence) and a M.Sc. in Economics from CORIPE (Turin). He currently teaches a course in Digital Economy at the College of Europe and has previously taught a course in European Economic Integration for Master students at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

    Declaration of interests 2021

    Declaration of interest 2020

    Declaration of interest 2015

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