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Past recordings

The Sound of Economics Live: The US voted - what now?
A special live episode of the Sound of Economics podcast about the US elections

The Sound of Economics Live: Reflections on COP27
A special episode of the Sound of Economics Live exploring the key takeaways from COP27.

The Sound of Economics Live: Assessing the State of the Union 2022
In this episode, we look at the State of the Union address delivered by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.

War in Ukraine: Ukraine's place in the EU
In the latest installment of the Sound of Economics Live we debated whether Ukraine's accession to the EU should be facilitated.

War in Ukraine: What is the effect on Central and Eastern Europe?
How is the war in Ukraine affecting the countries in the central and eastern parts of Europe, the countries that are closest to the ongoing conflict?

War in Ukraine: How to make Europe independent from Russian fossil fuels?
In this episode of Sound of Economics live we discussed whether REPowerEU can enable Europe to have affordable and secure energy supplies.

War in Ukraine: reflections on the economic consequences for Russia
Sergei Guriev joined us to discuss how the Russian invasion of Ukraine will affect the economies of Russia and the world.

War in Ukraine: A conversation with Oleg Ustenko
Oleg Ustenko, Economic Advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, joined us to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

War in Ukraine: Macroeconomic implications for the EU
A special episode of the Sound of Economics Live where we analysed the macroeconomic implications of the war in Ukraine.

War in Ukraine: implications for the global financial system and central banks
A special episode of the Sound of Economics Live on the global financial system and central banks in the wake of sanctions imposed on Russia.