Elections 2024
Bruegel has been following economic developments resulting from this year's elections within the EU and further afield
In focus: a year of elections
What are the main issues facing Europe and the world over the next five years, and how can policymakers deal with them?

What Europe can expect of Trump: a timeline
A handy guide to the main decisions and milestones of the second Trump administration.

China on Trump: indifferent but wary
There are risks and opportunities for China in Trump’s return, with Europe as potential collateral damage

Trump’s comeback and its implications for EU climate and energy policy
Trump’s return should not be seen as a threat to EU decarbonisation, but as a rallying cry to unite and push forward more strongly

The Sound of Economics Live: The US voted - what now?
A special live episode of the Sound of Economics podcast about the US elections

A fork in the road for EU competition policy
In her instructions to the incoming EU competition commissioner, Ursula von der Leyen equivocates on the issue of national champions
Back to the future: main financial services themes for European Commissioner designate Maria Luís Albuquerque
The European Commission should prioritise capital markets supervisory integration and banking-union completion

Clean and fair: maximising the impact of the European Union’s Social Climate Fund
The new European Commission should make more of the Social Climate Fund as a major tool to ensure the green transition is also a fair one

Adapt to a harsher world: Memo to the High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy
The EU has become more vulnerable, facing Russian aggression on its borders and a conflict in the Middle East where it has little influence

Overcome divisions and confront threats: Memo to the Presidents of the European Commission, Council and Parliament
Memo to the Presidents of the European Commission, Council and Parliament

Divergent economic dynamics grind down the Franco-German EU axis
France must face up finally to its fiscal failings – and can no longer rely on German indulgence

Tough trade-offs: the big strategic issues for the next EU term
Three overarching economic policy trade-offs will set the context for the new Commission from the beginning of its mandate

Procrastination not dismantlement now threatens the European Green Deal
The temptation to water-down the European Green Deal under pressure from the far-right must be avoided to keep the EU's green trajectory

European elections results: all eyes are on France and Germany
While the European election results were mixed, two of Europe's biggest countries may face political turmoil

Why does turnout matter in the European elections?

India’s indecisive election result could point to slower economic reform
India’s new coalition government will have to make more compromises, including on the economic front

Why should politicians be mindful of economic data when calling an election?

Navigating the treacherous political economy of structural reform
In setting economic policy, politicians should pay attention to the latest economic data and to when they next need to face voters at the polls

The push-pull between geopolitics and domestic resistance: lessons from the 2004 enlargement of the EU
Geopolitics is now a chief concern of political leaders in both the EU and candidate countries, giving them strong reasons to integrate more closely

Democracy Tour: The Eleventh Hour to strengthen democracy in the EU?
At this event, VP Věra Jourová addressed how to strengthen democratic resilience amidst today's complex landscape

Navigating public opinion dynamics for responsive governance
This event discussed how survey data can improve evidence-based policy-making

Tech firms’ promise to fight election fakes is a good start, but only a start
Digital firms must work with urgency to tackle deceptive content designed to mislead voters

Indonesia’s post-election balancing act
Indonesia must reconcile its aim to be a leading Asian power with its current over-reliance on China

The post-election Taiwanese economy: decisions ahead and takeaways for the European Union
The EU should try to attract more business from Taiwan, though Taiwan’s January 2024 election has not made the job easier

Stronger together: public preferences for different European defence cooperation designs
Research suggests most Europeans would support a significant uptick in EU defence integration.

How sensitive are Europeans to income losses related to climate policies?
A unique dataset gives an insight into what Europeans might tolerate in terms of the income effects of climate policies
In the year of elections, Bruegel partnered with Euranet to create a series of videos on key challenges facing the EU over the next five years, giving an overview of the issues at hand and how they can be tackled.
Bruegel Senior fellow Zsolt Darvas discusses how the accession of Ukraine and the Western Balkans to the European Union could have many benefits.
Climate and the environment
Bruegel Senior fellow Heather Grabbe gives an overview of the pressing challenges facing the climate and environment over the next five years.
Bruegel Senior fellow Maria Demertzis recaps the pandemic's inflationary effects and asks if those effects are really over?
The Single Market
What are the benefits of deepening the single market? What is involved in created a Capital Markets Union? How can Europe protect its competitiveness in the global economy?
EU leadership debate 2024
Lead candidates from major EU political parties will go head-to-head to debate economic challenges facing Europe over the next five years

Economic choices for Europe: EU leadership debate 2024
Bruegel and the Financial Times host lead candidates for the 2024 European elections for a debate on crucial economic topics.

Europe's economic future
Discussing June’s EU elections and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s campaign for a new term.
EU economic experts election debate
Re-watch Bruegel's economic experts debate in partnership with the Financial Times and listen to our podcast unpacking the plans put forward by the European political parties.

Visions for Europe: Economic expert debate for the 2024 EU elections
Bruegel and the Financial Times partnered up to host a debate featuring representatives from EU political parties on EU economic issues

What visions for Europe? Unpacking EU parties’ economic strategies
The EU elections are around the corner. What economic plans are the parties advocating for?