Economic analysis and policy recommendations based on rigorous academic underpinnings
Recent publications
A European circular single market for economic security and competitiveness
This Policy Brief gives an overview of the environmental and economic cases for Europe to improve resource efficiency
The three pillars of effective European Union competition policy
This Policy Brief clarifies the relationship between competition and industrial policy, and shows that there is in fact no tension
Memo to the commissioner responsible for digital affairs
Memo to the commissioner responsible for tax policy
Publication list
Working paper
18 January 2024
The chicken-and-egg problem in the European Union Digital Markets Act
Business users are needed to help create useful interfaces, while useful interfaces are needed to justify investment and entry by business users.
Working paper
16 January 2024
Making industrial policy work: a case study on the European Battery Alliance Academy
Efforts to address skilled-labour shortages in the battery sector can provide lessons to other areas of EU industrial policy.
Policy brief
11 January 2024
Europe’s under-the-radar industrial policy: intervention in electricity pricing
Government efforts to artificially lower electricity prices for one group of consumers will raise prices for others, with cross-border implications.
20 December 2023
Gender equality and reboundability in the labour market: lessons from COVID-19
Economic crises affect the jobs of men and women differently; steps can be taken to help all genders bounce back
20 December 2023
Promoting STEM skills: a brief assessment of French individual learning accounts
French ILA successfully promotes basic digital skills but falls short of fostering more advanced capabilities.
20 December 2023
The European Union should do better than confiscate Russia’s reserve money
The EU can use interest income made on immobilised Russian reserve assets to support Ukraine, but confiscating the assets now would be a mistake
19 December 2023
How sensitive are Europeans to income losses related to climate policies?
A unique dataset gives an insight into what Europeans might tolerate in terms of the income effects of climate policies
Working paper
18 December 2023
Are new EU data market regulations coherent and efficient?
Technical restrictions on access to and re-use of data may result in failures in data markets and data-driven services markets.
14 December 2023
New technologies in the workplace: a round-up of project research
The slow but steady uptake of artificial intelligence in Europe impacts the quantity, quality and nature of jobs as well as worker wellbeing.
14 December 2023
New ways of working: a round-up of project research
Remote work, platform work and self-employment are on the rise in Europe, necessitating new EU policies and new forms of labour protection.
Working paper
14 December 2023
Skills or a degree? The rise of skills-based hiring for AI and green jobs
We explore whether employers have started focusing on individual skills rather than on formal qualifications in their recruiting.
14 December 2023
The value of skill complementarity, especially in artificial intelligence
Understanding skill complementarity can help workers and employers keep up in the increasingly high-tech world of work
11 December 2023
The benefits of bringing the Western Balkans into the European Semester
Integrating the Western Balkan countries into the European Union’s European Semester process is both feasible and desirable.
Working paper
11 December 2023
The competitive relationship between cloud computing and generative AI
Merger control and antitrust laws can address some of the competition risks arising from the relationship between generative AI and cloud computing.
07 December 2023
When will the European Union finally get the budget it needs?
The EU budget needs radical reform, but certain conditions must be in place for it to succeed.
Policy brief
04 December 2023
Improving the contestability of e-commerce in two jurisdictions: the Amazon case
The conduct described in the US complaints against Amazon harms competition between online stores and among the merchants who sell via them.
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