Timeline: 11/2022 to 11/2025
The reemergence of China as a great power is currently one of the most discussed topics in political circles. China Horizons: Dealing with a resurgent China (DWARC) is a three-year research project (2022 - 2025) funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe funding program. It aims to fill the knowledge gaps that still exist in Europe about China.
Bruegel is part of a consortium of nine high-level research institutions involved in the project. In this project, Bruegel focuses primarily on the functioning and future of the Chinese economy, its interactions with the international economic architecture, China's global and regional strategies, and EU-China relations. The project will establish a network of European China experts to facilitate future cooperation in China-related research.

China Economic Database
Repository of what we consider to be the most relevant macroeconomic data for China and EU-China relations.
Access nowFeatured content

China's growing influence in the Western Balkans
Why economic security could be another reason to accelerate the Western Balkan's EU accession process

Global Gateway vs. Belt and Road: Europe's infrastructure vision
Can the EU deliver on its ambitious vision?

UN and beyond: China's expanding global role
In an increasingly fragmented world, China is actively positioning itself to influence global governance

Shifts in China's foreign policy: a closer look at its role in the United Nations
Exploring China's growing influence and its changing role within the United Nations

China’s influence at the United Nations: words and deeds
Understanding China’s influence at the UN is essential for comprehending contemporary international relations

Updating the EU strategy on China: co-existence while derisking through partnerships
The EU is now better equipped to deal with China in a systematic way, but the question remains whether the existing tools will be enough

BRICS is becoming a more solid construction
BRICS is consolidating into a China-dominated bloc that aims to shape the global order; the West should pay attention

China's latest stimulus package: is it enough to save the economy?
A closer look into China’s recently announced stimulus measures

European Union duties on electric vehicles point to new era of EU-China relations
The EU's move to introduce tariffs on Chinese EVs is surprising given the bloc's main dependence on imports

How should the new European Commission engage with China?
The EU is at a moment of rethinking its policy toward China

What determines global sentiment towards China’s Belt and Road Initiative?

Urgency, speed and scale: Dealing with China under the new Commission
This closed-door event discussed how the new European Commission should address the China related issues.

Narratives and reality: China’s economic engagements in Africa
Do the facts match the vision that Beijing is offering to the African continent?

China’s third plenum is unlikely to significantly correct an ailing economy
A gradual approach to resolving China's economic problems will likely exacerbate the supply-demand imbalance

Electrified tensions: EU's proposed tariffs on Chinese EVs
Electric vehicle tariffs are not the first trade tariff the EU has imposed on China, and they likely will not be the last

China’s Innovation and Industrial Policy: Achievements, challenges and consequences for Europe
At this event, we explored both China's successes and challenges when it comes to innovation.

Should foreign companies still do business in China?
In which we discuss the uncertainties for foreign firms operating and wishing to invest in China

China’s global trade influence: where do we stand?
This closed-door roundtable analyse China's evolving role in global trade, highlighting recent shifts and their implications for the EU.

Unpacking China’s industrial policy and its implications for Europe
This paper assess how beneficial industrial policy has been for China and how exportable to the European Union its model might be

Xi’s visit underlines the hard choices the European Union faces on China
The EU cannot separate policy on China from its goals of containing Russia and ensuring economic security

How does China conduct industrial policy: analyzing words versus deeds

Zooming in on the US-China tech rivalry
A comparative exploration of US-China innovation frontiers

Key takeaways from China’s Two Sessions
Unpacking China’s biggest annual political event

South Korea's semiconductor strategy and what it means for China
Economic ties are being reshaped by the semiconductor industry's evolution

China’s evolving industrial policy: Lessons for Europe

The post-election Taiwanese economy: decisions ahead and takeaways for the European Union
The EU should try to attract more business from Taiwan, though Taiwan’s January 2024 election has not made the job easier

China’s third attempt to internationalise its currency
What will happen if China manages to strengthen the RMB?

Taiwan’s future economic direction hinges on the election outcome
Depending who wins Taiwan’s 13 January election, the island could swing towards closer relations with China, or entrench decoupling from China.

Expectations and outcomes of the 24th EU-China summit
Was the Summit another ‘dialogue of the deaf’?

Why the European Union-China summit is bound to disappoint
The European Union is increasingly disappointed with China over trade.

Biden-Xi dialogue instrumental for a successful EU-China Summit in Beijing

The evolution of EU-China relations
A glimpse into the evolving landscape of Europe's engagement with China.

Third time lucky? China’s push to internationalise the renminbi
This paper analyses China’s different attempts to internationalise its currency and how they have fared.

De-risking and decarbonising: a green tech partnership to reduce reliance on China
Greater alignment of the major economic powers is needed around a collective effort to improve security of supply for decarbonisation goods.

How to de-risk dependence on China while decarbonising
How should the EU manage its dependence on China for clean tech?

Understanding local government debt in China
How can China navigate the country towards a more sustainable and balanced economic future?

How might China hit back over the EU’s electric vehicle anti-subsidy investigation?
China’s silence towards the European Union’s electric vehicle probe could mean that a more harmful retaliation is on its way

To what extent can urbanisation mitigate the negative impact of population ageing in China?
Our analysis reveals that ageing accounts for only about 1 percentage point of the GDP growth rate deceleration over the past decade.

Will the Renminbi become an international currency? Policy issues for the European Union
Invitation-only event organised in the frame of the China Horizons project

Can Italy leave the Belt and Road Initiative without a backlash?
How China responds to Italy’s exit from the BRI may influence other members who are contemplating a similar move.

How big is China’s global economic footprint? Takeaways for the European Union

The story of China’s electric vehicle industry
China's EV industry is not just about rapid growth and success; it involves intricate geopolitical dynamics that could put its success at risk.

Assessing China’s quest for innovation
What potential bottlenecks might be hindering the transformation of China’s innovation efforts into productivity growth?

China’s quest for innovation: progress and bottlenecks
We identify three potential bottlenecks that might be hindering the translation of China’s innovation efforts into productivity growth.

To what extent can innovation and global economic dominance mitigate China’s structural slowdown?
Event in the frame of the project China Horizons - Dealing with a resurgent China (DWARC)*.

Can Chinese growth defy gravity?
This paper discusses China’s growth for the next two decades, identifying the main challenges and factors that could mitigate its deceleration.

China's growing economic ties with the Gulf States
How China and the Gulf States are building bilateral economic relations.

China’s growth: what is to come?
Decelerated economic growth has and will continue to determine China’s position in global, regional and national spheres.

China’s structural deceleration: population aging versus innovation
Closed-door event discussed the importance of rapid aging for the future of the Chinese economy and dwelling on China’s major innovation trends

US-China tech bifurcation
Compared to instant decoupling, bifurcation offers a more gradual process that requires clear understanding of the direction and speed of divergence.

Global trends in countries' perceptions of the Belt and Road Initiative
In this paper, we have analysed the sentiment towards the Belt and Road Initiative in the world using a large open-access dataset, namely GDELT.

China’s influence in African media narratives and digital space
What role does China play in the African media landscape?

China’s 2023 work report and what it means: an AI post-mortem
China is taking a more nuanced approach to the overarching goal of GDP growth.

The Belt and Road Initiative 2.0 is all about security
How the Belt and Road Initiative has transformed into a geopolitical tool for China.

The transformation of China’s Belt and Road Initiative: What is in it for Europe?
Closed-door event discussing China's BRI project.

What China’s reopening will mean for the global economy
A timely discussion about the reopening of China after the zero-Covid policy and its implications on the global economy

The boom, bust and future of China's real estate sector
Is China’s real estate market sustainable?

China-India relations and their impact on Europe
India’s bi-lateral relations with China could forge the way for multipolar international system across the world.

ZhōngHuá Mundus
ZhōngHuá Mundus is a monthly newsletter by Bruegel as part of the China Horizons (DWARC) project, bringing you analysis of China in the world, as seen from Europe.
Sign up nowThe project “Dealing With a Resurgent China” (DWARC) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101061700.