
How should the new European Commission engage with China?

The EU is at a moment of rethinking its policy toward China

Publishing date
25 September 2024

In this episode of The Sound of Economics, Yuyun Zhan sits down with Alicia García-Herrero and Abigaël Vasselier to assess the new reality of EU-China relations and explain why the European Union must prepare for a much more difficult relationship with China.

Relevant publication:
García-Herrero, A. and A. Vasselier (2024) ‘Updating the EU strategy on China: co-existence while de-risking through partnerships’, Policy Brief 27/2024, Bruegel

This episode is part of the ZhōngHuá Mundus series of The Sound of Economics.

ZhōngHuá Mundus is a newsletter by Bruegel, bringing you monthly analysis of China in the world, as seen from Europe.

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This is an output of China Horizons, Bruegel's contribution in the project Dealing with a resurgent China (DWARC). This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions under grant agreement No. 101061700.

EU funded project disclaimer

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