Director’s Cut: How to reform and fortify the global financial system
Bruegel director Guntram Wolff is joined by Tharman Shanmugaratnam, deputy prime minister of Singapore and chair of the G20 Eminent Persons Group, and
In this Director’s Cut of ‘The Sound of Economics’ Guntram Wolff is joined by Bruegel’s mercator senior fellow Jean Pisani-Ferry, and by Tharman Shanmugaratnam, deputy prime minister of Singapore and chair of the G20 Eminent Persons Group.
A report from the Eminent Persons Group looks into how the global financial system can adapt to meet the sizeable challenges the future will pose, with particular reference to growth and financial stability.
Small episodes of growth scarcity accumulate to make for a significant reduction worldwide, and the current model is not going to achieve the necessary uptick in growth in the next decade. Meanwhile, financial stability remains elusive, despite the positive changes made – particularly in the banking sector – since the most recent crisis.
But the report from the G20 Eminent Persons Group is not without hope, and in fact sees a practical way forward by which the gaps in the current system can be plugged before new foundations are laid for the future.
For further reading, we recommend Jean Pisani-Ferry’s Bruegel Policy Contribution on the question of whether we should give up on global governance in such turbulent times.