Pravakar Sahoo
Former Visiting Fellow,
Pravakar was a Visiting Fellow at Bruegel in 2016. Pravakar is also a tenured Associate Professor with the Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), Delhi. Prior to that, he was working as senior fellow in Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER).
During his last 16 years of teaching and research experience, he has worked and published more than 60 research papers in refereed international and national journals on issues related to Macroeconomics, International Trade & investment, Regional cooperation and Infrastructure.
He has wide international exposure and served as a consultant/researcher to reputed organizations such as Ministry of Finance and Commerce, GoI, Indo-Sastri Canadian institute, IDRC, Korea Institute for International Economic Relations (KIEP), East West Center, USA, South Asian Bureau of Economic Research (SABER), ANU, Australia; The South Asia Network of Economic research Institutes (SANEI), Institute of Developing Economies, IDE-JETRO, Japan, and Heritage Foundation, USA.
He has work experience on India, South Asia, Japan, Korea, China, USA, France and other Asian Countries.
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