Elena Vaccarino
Former Research Assistant,
Elena Vaccarino, Italian citizen, worked as a Research Assistant in the micro team in the area of Innovation. She holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from Bocconi University in Milan. Prior to joining Bruegel she interned in a Swiss investment fund and worked in the Research Division of the European Central Bank: there she focused on firm-level micro data related to financial constraints and with macro data on international trade, focusing on Global Value Chains.
In particular, her Master’s thesis analyses how the recent international dynamics of production have influenced the distribution of income in EU countries. At the ECB, she worked on a project concerning the influence of Global Value Chains on the trade-to-income elasticity of European Countries.
Elena’s research interests include innovation, access to finance and innovative sources of finance, international trade and inequalities.
She speaks Italian, English and French.
Featured work
Codetermination in Germany – a role model for the UK and the US?
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"Social dumping" and posted workers: a new clash within the EU
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The impact of Volkswagen on the automobile stock market
On Friday 18th September 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported that according to their analysis, Volkswagen engine software ha