Aleksander Śniegocki

Head of the Energy, Climate and Environment Programme, WiseEuropa

Aleksander Śniegocki specializes in analysis of new sources of economic growth in the globalized world, economics of innovation, development prospects of low-emission economies and transformation of the energy sector. His main interests are new technologies and resource constraints as factors of future economic development in Poland and globally. Aleksander is an author and co-author of  publications in the following projects: Low-emission Poland 2050, Forum for Energy Analysis, Big and Open Data. Recently, he carried out projects for the Ministry of Energy, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, Institute of Environmental Protection, European Climate Foundation, Polish Confederation Lewiatan, Polish National Energy Conservation Agency, Fortum Power and Heat Poland and Microsoft Poland. He was involved in the DYNAMIX project funded by 7th Framework Programme, and is currently engaged in the COP 21 RIPPLES project funded by Horizon 2020 programme.

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