Why should politicians be mindful of economic data when calling an election?

When British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that the United Kingdom will hold a general election on 4 July, many observers were reminded of the links between election timing and the quality of recent economic news. It is not that the recent economic news was overly positive. But even benign outcomes that are somewhat better than people expect, or better than what might be coming down the line, can be used as a strategic advantage in deciding when to go to the polls. With the UK economy recovering, the recent IMF growth forecast upgrade and inflation reverting to target, Rishi Sunak may have decided that there was unlikely to be a better opportunity.
The related question of how economic policy reforms affect electoral outcomes, and how the overall state of the economy plays into the electoral effects is explored in a new Bruegel working paper. Because reforms take time to deliver aggregate economic gains, even as they give rise to concentrated losses for some segments of society (because of dislocations and job redundancies), politicians should implement reform early in the electoral term (to ensure that aggregate gains are apparent ahead of the next election). Election-eve reforms are far more likely to be penalised at the ballot box than honeymoon-period reforms (right after the election).
Politicians should also take advantage of the state of overall economic conditions— fix the roof while the sun is shining. When reforms are implemented during recessions (when people facing redundancy will find it difficult to find new jobs), the electoral penalty from reform is far larger. And politicians should be especially wary when reforms generate a sizable growth-equity tradeoff: a small growth gain in the presence of a large distributional cost. Such an unfavorable tradeoff is especially likely to earn the ire of the electorate at the polls.
For more on the topic of economic policy reforms and their electoral effects, read 'Navigating the treacherous political economy of structural reform' by Davide Furceri, Jonathan D. Ostry, Chris Papageorgiou and Dennis P. Quinn.
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