Memo to the commissioner responsible for energy

The great momentum in Europe’s energy transition must continue during your mandate. Electrification is the primary tool for reaching climate targets. Fortunately, you take office against a backdrop of huge global innovation and cost reduction in clean technologies. Your first challenge will be to ensure security of energy supply as electrification raises questions about infrastructure and cyber-security risks. You will also need to deploy efficient frameworks, including a European fund, to ensure the necessary green investments are made, particularly in European electricity grids.
You should work with national capitals to eliminate remaining energy imports from Russia. You should lead negotiations on the 2040 climate targets, which would see EU emissions falling by 90 percent compared to 1990. Finally, you should propose a European Energy Agency to deliver the better data policymakers and investors need to better understand Europe’s energy transition.
Key actions:
Resolve electrification infrastructure issues
Promote investment, especially in grids
Exit the energy trade with Russia