
Memo to the commissioner responsible for energy

Publishing date
04 September 2024

The great momentum in Europe’s energy transition must continue during your mandate. Electrification is the primary tool for reaching climate targets. Fortunately, you take office against a backdrop of huge global innovation and cost reduction in clean technologies. Your first challenge will be to ensure security of energy supply as electrification raises questions about infrastructure and cyber-security risks. You will also need to deploy efficient frameworks, including a European fund, to ensure the necessary green investments are made, particularly in European electricity grids.

You should work with national capitals to eliminate remaining energy imports from Russia. You should lead negotiations on the 2040 climate targets, which would see EU emissions falling by 90 percent compared to 1990. Finally, you should propose a European Energy Agency to deliver the better data policymakers and investors need to better understand Europe’s energy transition.

Key actions:

  • Resolve electrification infrastructure issues

  • Promote investment, especially in grids

  • Exit the energy trade with Russia

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About the authors

  • Simone Tagliapietra

    Simone Tagliapietra is a Senior fellow at Bruegel.

    He is also a Part-time professor at the Florence School of Transnational Governance (STG) of the European University Institute and an Adjunct professor at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Europe of The Johns Hopkins University.

    His research focuses on the EU climate and energy policy, and on its industrial and social dimensions. With a record of numerous policy and scientific publications, also in leading journals such as Nature and Science, he is the author of Global Energy Fundamentals (Cambridge University Press, 2020) and co-author of The Macroeconomics of Decarbonisation (Cambridge University Press, 2024).

    On the basis of his policy and scientific production, Dr. Tagliapietra regularly supports EU and national institutions in the development of their public policies in the field of climate and energy, also through regular interaction with public decision-makers in EU and national institutions, as well as through regular parliamentary testimonies in the European Parliament and various national parliamentary assemblies inside and outside Europe, such as the French Senate, the UK House of Lords and the US Senate. His columns and policy work are widely published and cited in leading international media.

    Dr. Tagliapietra also is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Clean Air Task Force (CATF) and Senior associate of the Payne Institute at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden. He holds a PhD in International Political Economy from the Catholic University of Milan, where he previously graduated under the supervision of Professor Alberto Quadrio Curzio and where he also served as an Assistant professor (tenure-track) until 2024. Born in the Dolomites in 1988, he speaks Italian, English and French.

  • Georg Zachmann

    Georg Zachmann is a Senior Fellow at Bruegel, where he has worked since 2009 on energy and climate policy. His work focuses on regional and distributional impacts of decarbonisation, the analysis and design of carbon, gas and electricity markets, and EU energy and climate policies. Previously, he worked at the German Ministry of Finance, the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin, the energy think tank LARSEN in Paris, and the policy consultancy Berlin Economics.

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