Memo to the commissioner responsible for employment and social rights
Social and labour market policies in the European Union are primarily the responsibility of member states, leading to varying approaches. Your job is to foster convergence through legislation, financial and technical support, and coordination of best practices. Despite considerable progress, the EU has yet to meet the 2030 targets for employment rates, adult training and poverty reduction.
The major social policy challenge you will face include transforming labour markets, skills and labour shortages, balancing pension sustainability with adequacy and meeting the increasing demand for long-term care. To address these issues, you must collaborate with member states to improve labour-market conditions for all workers, support the reform of pension systems, support measures to increase the supply of long-term care, fund research into healthy ageing and enhance data collection for better policymaking.
Key actions:
Focus on wages, working conditions and technology
Assess pension, healthcare and long-term care policy
Push for better data