Working paper
15 July 2015
Europe's exports superstar - it's the organisation!
What explains Germany’s superb export performance? Is Germany’s export behaviour very distinct compared to other European countries?
Working paper
15 July 2015
What explains Germany’s superb export performance? Is Germany’s export behaviour very distinct compared to other European countries?
Blog post
14 July 2015
What has contributed to Germany's exceptional export performance compared to other European countries?
29 June 2015
Chinese acquisitions and other direct investments in Europe are growing rapidly, reaching a new record high of 18bn USD in 2014.
15 March 2015
The T-TIP negotiations remain extremely complex, and pushed for time given the political pressure to get an agreement signed by 2016. What is achievab
12 March 2015
Global Economics and Governance
Blog post
12 March 2015
Speech by Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Trade, at the Bruegel Workshop on TTIP held on 12 March 2015.
03 December 2014
Global Economics and Governance
Blog post
11 November 2014
Sanctions are not about showing the other how much damage can be inflicted on the sanctioned party, but about demonstrating how much pain can be toler
Blog post
29 July 2014
Citing concerns over food security, after a Cabinet meeting headed by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi last week, India reportedly decided a
Blog post
15 July 2014
Remarks delivered by Her Excellency the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the European Union, Yang Yanyi, at workshop 'The fut
Blog post
14 July 2014
What’s at stake: The European Union and the USA are currently negotiating a free trade agreement, known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Blog post
19 May 2014
In this follow-up, I argue that on top of these structural and institutional factors, there are also three short-term cyclical considerations in favou
14 May 2014
Opinion piece
09 May 2014
As the economic crisis shifted policymakers’ attention from long-term sustainability to short-term recovery, progress has stalled – and the conse
Blog post
11 April 2014
This blog raises two questions. The first is puzzling: why is Beijing in such a hurry to internationalise its inconvertible currency? The se
Blog post
25 March 2014
To deliver a deal that is more welfare-improving, TTIP negotiators will need to focus on means to enhance long-term competitiveness of the two partner