21 April 2023
The impact of geoeconomic fragmentation on Foreign Direct Investment
To what extent is geoeconomic fragmentation translating into a fragmentation of FDI?
21 April 2023
To what extent is geoeconomic fragmentation translating into a fragmentation of FDI?
Opinion piece
12 April 2023
The Brazilian president is seeking Beijing’s support for his quest for middle power prowess
16 March 2023
At this event in Rome, the panellists discussed if the EU could use the various crises it is facing to fortify the Union and its industrial policy?
12 January 2023
How can we build a sustainable system of international cooperation that allows for nations to work together despite their differences?
Opinion piece
16 November 2022
The meet did not seem to offer solutions to the two most pressing problems for the international order.
16 November 2022
China’s semiconductors push already has lessons for the rest of the world.
Blog post
03 November 2022
Globalisation is under attack; to preserve its benefits, healthy domestic social contracts are essential.
Blog post
17 October 2022
The proposed European Chips Act over-emphasises semiconductor production subsidies, focusing too little on increasing value-added in research.
Opinion piece
17 October 2022
The Chips Act is the first, and an imperfect, step towards a long-term strategy that still needs to be designed.
Blog post
05 October 2022
The model of increasing economic interdependence between the West and the emerging world was built on assumptions that no longer hold.
Opinion piece
02 July 2022
Overall, Biden and Xi seem to be converging on their strategies for global dominance
Opinion piece
25 May 2022
The US now sees Asia more through an economic lens, while China shifts toward a security focus
Blog post
17 May 2022
The European Union should take significant economic measures in response to the war in Ukraine, but a new Next Generation EU is not needed yet.
Blog post
19 April 2022
A requirement for gas to be paid for in rubles is a way for Russia to side-step central bank sanctions.
Opinion piece
05 April 2022
The international community will have to restart the long process of de-escalation in order to preserve peace. We have a long climb ahead.
Opinion piece
01 April 2022
The spectre of a democratic Russia aligned with the West is probably a more serious concern for Beijing than what it risks losing by supporting Russia