External publication
29 September 2022
How Can the European Union Adapt to Climate Change?
Europe must increasingly deal with the harmful impacts of climate change, regardless of its success in reducing emissions.
External publication
29 September 2022
Europe must increasingly deal with the harmful impacts of climate change, regardless of its success in reducing emissions.
14 July 2022
Challenges of an energy independent Europe.
Opinion piece
12 July 2022
As global average temperatures continue to rise beyond the current 1.2°C above pre-industrial averages, Europe is likely to warm even faster.
05 July 2022
How can the public sector meet the climate funding needs of the EU?
External publication
26 April 2022
A new EU regulatory action in public procurement could unlock the potential of green public procurement and add an important element to the European G
24 February 2022
At this event Bruegel launched a new Blueprint that collects voices of policymakers and academics on the crucial topic of how to make sure Europe will
Blog post
22 February 2022
The EU taxonomy grossly simplifies a complex and dynamic world. It might help prevent green-washing but other tools are needed to guide green investme
Policy brief
13 January 2022
Given the size and urgency of the transition, the current knowledge infrastructure in Europe is insufficient.
Opinion piece
04 January 2022
An overview of the EU climate package to be negotiated in 2022.
External publication
03 January 2022
Report of the results of work carried out at ETC/WMGE on Green economy transition: Macroeconomic analytical framework in 2020 and 2021.
External publication
03 December 2021
Fostering the industrial component of the European Green Deal: key principles and policy options.
Blog post
08 November 2021
Energy transitions manifest themselves across space and time. While necessary targets for decarbonisation are apparent, the accompanying shifts in spa
23 September 2021
Why the sudden spike in European electricity and gas prices?
External publication
20 July 2021
How to protect workers hurt by the fight against climate change.
Opinion piece
15 July 2021
The European Union finds itself at the centre of a three-dimensional puzzle. Burdens need to be shared between 450 million citizens, 25 million busine
15 July 2021
How does the world's first roadmap for meeting climate goals stack up?