Blog post
21 January 2015
The ECB’s bond-purchase dilemma
German opposition to government-bond purchases by the European Central Bank is solidifying ahead of the programme’s likely announcement on January 22.
Blog post
21 January 2015
German opposition to government-bond purchases by the European Central Bank is solidifying ahead of the programme’s likely announcement on January 22.
Blog post
15 January 2015
Since early 2014, the People’s Bank of China (PBC), the Chinese central bank, has deployed multiple policy tools to loosen its monetary policy st
Blog post
19 December 2014
A look at the composition of the HICP basket for the euro area shows that the percentage of items that are now in outright deflation has risen to 30%
Blog post
29 October 2014
There always comes a time we have to face our past. For economists, it often happens when updating data long left sitting in a remote corner of o
Opinion piece
15 October 2014
The German Constitutional Court has been widely criticized for questioning the legality of the European Central Bank’s OMT program. To supporters
Blog post
25 July 2014
Lithuania will become the 19th member of the Euro area on the 1st of January, following Wednesday’s Council endorsement. The most important part of th
External publication
08 July 2014
This paper was prepared for the European Parliament's Montary Dialogue with the President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi. Today, the ECB i
Blog post
05 June 2014
Overall, we welcome that the ECB has finally acted with a broad package. We also think that unanimity on the package was a very positive development a
Policy brief
06 May 2014
Euro-area inflation has been below 1 percent since October 2013, and medium-term inflation expectations are well below 2 percent. Forecasts of the ret
Policy brief
03 March 2014
This Policy Brief was prepared for the European Parliament's Monetary Dialogue with the President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi. The autho
Policy brief
17 December 2013
This Policy contribution was prepared for the ECON committee of the European Parliament. Estimates of the recapitalisation needs of the euro-area bank
08 November 2013
Policy brief
03 October 2013
This Policy Contribution was prepared for the European Parliament's 'Monetary Dialogue with the President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi. D
24 September 2013
Opinion piece
23 September 2013
With the upcoming Asset Quality Review (AQR) by the European Central Bank, Europe has a chance to fundamentally reshape its financial system to make i
Policy brief
27 June 2013
New obstacles to the European banking union have emerged over the last year, but a successful transition remains both necessary and possible. The key