Blog post
17 May 2017
What could a euro-area finance minister mean?
The idea of a euro-area budget and finance minister have been around for a long while, but the arrival of President Macron gives the proposals new imp
Blog post
17 May 2017
The idea of a euro-area budget and finance minister have been around for a long while, but the arrival of President Macron gives the proposals new imp
07 March 2017
On 25 January 2017 Zsolt Darvas appeared as a witness at the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union, Financial Affairs Sub-Committee.
Blog post
10 November 2016
Did EU funds play an important role in limiting the hit of the crisis on regional income?
Working paper
18 October 2016
This paper shows that economic convergence continued during the crisis for the EU as a whole, although at a slower pace, but for regions in the EU14,
Blog post
03 May 2016
EU funding for the UK has risen considerably since 2000, but funding predominantly goes to rural and less developed areas, meaning that Northern Irela
Opinion piece
20 September 2014
The Crisis affected public spending. Research and innovation is one area often highlighted as needing protection. This column does not find strong evi
Policy brief
10 June 2014
Are R&D budgets being smartly used to address growth? How is the crisis affecting public Research & Development budgets across the EU?
Policy brief
11 April 2013
The issue: The European Union's pre-crisis growth performance was disappointingenough, but the performance has been even more dismal since theonset of
Blog post
29 November 2012
Blog post
11 October 2012
Blog post
26 April 2012
Blog post
25 January 2012