Opinion piece
13 September 2019
The tricky link between the Hong Kong dollar and capital flows
The Hong Kong economy has been hit by a series of shocks, but it should resist taking drastic measures to keep foreign capital in the city.
Opinion piece
13 September 2019
The Hong Kong economy has been hit by a series of shocks, but it should resist taking drastic measures to keep foreign capital in the city.
05 September 2019
Backstage at the Bruegel Annual Meetings, Rebecca Christie talks with Nicolas Véron on the new financial sector.
External publication
22 July 2019
The US regime for non-viable banks has maintained a high degree of stability and public confidence by protecting deposits, while working to minimise t
Blog post
18 July 2019
Croatia seems a suitable candidate for euro area accession: there is a tight peg to the euro, high public debt is coming down, and the banking sector
Opinion piece
10 July 2019
Irish consumers’ interests may not coincide with the needs of banks relocating here.
Blog post
08 July 2019
The authors assess whether the European Commission's actions towards Italy since September 2018 have had a visible impact on the spread between Italia
04 July 2019
In this Director's Cut of 'The Sound of Economics', Guntram Wolff talks to two of the authors of Bruegel's memo to the new ECB president, Maria Demert
Policy brief
03 July 2019
Memo to the president of the European Central Bank. Grégory Claeys, Maria Demertzis and Francesco Papadia present the challenges that the next ECB pre
Blog post
01 July 2019
A textbook condition of international finance breaks down. Economic research identifies the interplay between divergent monetary policies and new fina
20 June 2019
What has changed since the financial crisis of 2008 that makes the financial system sound at last? Is regulatory reform going in the right direction?
Blog post
27 May 2019
On May 28th, EU heads of state and government will start the nomination process for the next ECB president. Leaving names of possible candidates aside
Blog post
15 May 2019
The discussions of the now-aborted merger of Germany’s two largest banks underlined supervisors’ concerns over creating banks that are too big or too
Blog post
29 April 2019
Europe’s largest banks have made progress in issuing bail-inable securities that shelter taxpayers from bank failures. But the now-finalised revision
External publication
18 April 2019
The Single Resolution Board (SRB) has had a somewhat difficult start but has been able to learn and adapt, and has gained stature following its first
Blog post
26 February 2019
Money laundering scandals at EU banks have become pervasive. The authors here detail the weaknesses the current AML architecture's fundamental weaknes
Blog post
07 December 2018
The recent Eurogroup agreement on euro-area reform foresees a greater role for the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) as a backstop to the banking uni